Officer Scott's greatest secret

"Helena!" Ed called out, panic stricken.

I had to force myself out of that memory. He was right that what I saw in that cave was not a dream. It was real.

As real as the flashback that I just had. Uncle Jess looked at me worriedly. I had to hold on to Ed's arms since I was a little bit unsteady when I took a step towards him.

"What's wrong?" Ed asked and wrapped his arms around me.

"I know him."

"Who?" Uncle Jess asked, apparently not guessing who I was talking about. 

Ed just looked at him pointedly.

"You do?" Uncle Jess asked when he got who we were talking about.

I just nodded. I looked at the walls where I think a camera was installed.

"I remember you Tartarus."

This should thrill him, make him happy I think for a few days I hope. That should stop him from killing people.

"You mean you have met him before all of this?" Uncle Jess asked in awe.

"Yes. When we were younger."