Tucked In, I Needed Extra Help

"WHY DID YOU INVITE HER! Nushi screamed at me as we walked up the stairs, but then Mary hissed dangerously at her.

"SSSS! You don't havesss to be ssso loud! He can hearsss you!" Mary warned, and Nushi stopped yelling.

"I asked her to come, and I know you are scared of her, but I told you that I would keep you safe from her. I don't plan on breaking that promise I made to you, so I need you to trust me," I said to Nushi and then added another thing that might help her see reason. "You can always just keep your book out, and you will know what she is thinking, right?"

Nushi paused and then looked up at me with an embarrassed look that made her horns start flapping. I smiled and patted the middle of her head, and then her horns stood back up to the full height.