Ogre, And The Heroes I Have Eaten

Fireden's mark covered my right arm with flaming tribal lines that were red at first but then faded to black. While this was interesting, my mind was waiting to hear what Hero's response would be, but he wasn't talking.

I looked down at my burnt shorts and then shook my head. There was no point in putting those back on, and I needed to get going.

My talk with Fireden had lasted a lot longer than I had anticipated, and now the sun was starting to make its arch down. I kept both Water Totems active and then started to run.

I no longer felt the heat or cold as things that affect my body. Instead, I could feel the heat and cold around me. I could sense monsters in the area, and I could make out some of them, like the green eyeless lizard things that were staying clear of me, but there was something more significant than the smaller creatures.