Special Item, Piss Around Later

Keri nodded and pulled from the other woman, who didn't look completely satisfied, but then I felt something.

*Release me*

That was Fireden, but it wasn't a voice, more like a feeling. I did as he asked, but I was sure he could have come out on his own if he wanted to.

Fireden emerged from me in a burning form that was the same size as me, but he looked a brighter orange, almost white this time.

All the females gasped and then rushed forward to the crowd around Fireden with excitement. Fireden laughed as they did, and turned back to me with a wink, then back to the girls.

"Listen, Children of the Flame, this man, Kazz, can be trusted as you can see. I have given him my own trust. If he says he will be back, you must trust that he will keep his vow. Enjoy the time you have to relax for now because when we return, there will be much to do," Fireden explained, and all the women collectively sighed simultaneously, but they nodded.