Heart-Eyes, Though Eater

As the sickly colored yellow eyes of the Behemoth followed the weapon, I timed it in my head. This would be a lot easier than when I used to throw the ball up at the same time at Baseball practice.

I didn't need to speed up reaction time for this one because it was something I had practiced as a kind on earth. I timed it and wound up; this usually didn't work very well, but I was just a kid back then.

I fueled my anger and outrage as I caught the black and red, cracked bat, slamming it into the side of the Behemoth's head. The bat cut diagonally and severed the top part of the creature's head, causing it to rear back in surprise.

Then after turning the remains of his head back and forth, the Behemoth collapsed. Neft must have lost sight, so it would be easy to focus on the very close others.