Snu-Snu God, Suck-Your-Dicks Patrol

Not really disappointing, but it was a bit of a buzzkill considering how hard I had fought over the last few days. This was only my fourth day on the island, and I had thought that I had undergone some extreme changes.

Now, Harold was telling me that I was equivalent to a toddler struggling to swim in a wading pool. Except that the wading pool was in the middle of the ocean, and there was no in between the next step.

[Yeah, that is an excellent way to put it, but it's meant like that so you can learn how to use the skills you are learning in a short amount of time.]

That was a good point, and I activated my Fire Force Pact and Water Undine Totem, then locked onto Hanna. I jogged the block to the house where I had left her and then went inside to hear her coming down the stairs in a rush.

"You killed him? The Keep is a mess, and all the animated dead dropped!" Hanna said as she ran over to hug me.