Last Laugh, Ever

[35/150 mins until Dao dies 2:30 after entering the Challenger Gem]

Veronica flew with the women to the Keep, but Candace was pacing around the courtyard when they got there. Veronica could tell that she was upset and landed faster near her to Nixi's great displeasure.

"What are you doing?! You are going to kill all of us!" Nixi screamed as Veronica ignored her and landed.

Candace turned with tears in her to look at her sister and then broke into a sob.

"T-They took him!" Candace cried as she sunk down to the ground.

The girls hopped off with Kimera taking a flailing Nixi with her, and Veronica went over to comfort her sister. The women were looking at each other in confusion after Nixi was back on solid ground and done fussing.

"Why would Dao take Mex of all people?" Kimera asked while raising an eyebrow at Nixi.