Pact Aspect, I Refuse To Fail

"FLAME ON!" I roared and took off into the air like a rocket, burning the fire faster than I could take it in.

I put everything I had into pumping out as much heat as I could so that I could reach top speed. It was a bad idea, but I needed to make sure that the Carnica actually zeroed in on the Fire-Dread Dragon.

[You don't want to take in too much of Emfirza's energy, so don't drain yourself too much. If you do too much, you will become poisoned, and the effect will be diminished. The kind of energy used is precisely the opposite of the type that we use, so it will cancel out yours, and vice versa.]

I slowed down and then sent a thought.

'Can Wataluga hit me like you did? I can't fight that thing with fire!'

[What?! What is he talking about?! You didn't force the Pact, did you!?]

[I don't suggest it; your mind won't be able to handle it! We shouldn't have done it the first time.]