Not The First Life, ERTCG

Before leaving, I went through a couple of the boxes until I found something to put on. The shorts I found were red and had some bloodstains, but it gave them a textured look, and I really didn't care what they looked like.

I left the storage area and backed out into the central tent area, but the place was deserted. I looked around, and I didn't see Beeno at first, so I closed my eyes.

I immediately felt her and opened my eyes to look in the direction that I had sensed her. The raised hexagonal dais that was surrounded by stairs blocked my view, so I walked forward.

I looked around as I did, the place looked much different and empty, but most of the arenas did. Without the people and the energy that came with them, the place was just a tent.

Beeno was squatted at the end of the stairs, and she was using one of her long fingers to draw in the dirt. As I got closer, I was surprised at what I saw in the dirt.