Crowd Went Wild, Night Was Coming

When the Great Bath was complete, I changed to Wind and gave everyone a good blow job. I used the Wind to pick everyone back up, but the Behemoths looked like giant purple balls of fluff.

They didn't look pleased, but none of the demons would ever be the same after taking part in this event. I changed over to my Fire Force Pact and started to take in energy; I was running on fumes at this point.

I looked at Beeno with a smile and asked, "Can you jump down-."

Before I could finish speaking, Beeno jumped forward, then did a double front flip, landing perfectly. The moment she landed, the crowd went wild with roaring cheer, and then a chant started.

*She can walk! All hail the Great Red Cat Demon!*

I grinned, considering most of the people that I had stood up had fallen right back down, and then some soon after. After activating my Earth Force Pact, I hopped down and then went back to only using fire; this was the best place to get energy.