That pissed me off, but I didn't let it make me lose my cool; I just needed to take this in strides. It was just trying to get under my skin, and tricks weren't going to work on this monster.
I opened my hands and started to circle and lowered my center of gravity, spreading my stance. I needed to watch out for the creature's mouth, but taking it down was going to be the best option.
I would have to prepare to defend the counter-blow that would surely come. Still, taking Carnage down and breaking to bones would slow it down some.
Carnage was watching me as I circled, but after I opened my hands, the smile had left. I guess that it could assume I was about to try, meaning I was on the right path.
I slowly closed the circle, and the creature raised its hands as I got closer, but right as I got within reach, Carnage started to back up. I wanted to taunt it, but I remembered Libra's word and just kept focused on the red-robed monster.
"Strike us, fool!"
"You are nothing!"