Killed The Rest, The Monster

[Marley recognized Kerri and had asked why you had her around. I explained about your system, but that was when she explained their reproduction. There are other races like them in the world they are from, and I think they are monsters that were imagined from different games and legends without understanding the entire concept. There will be other races like this along the way.]

This was disturbing, but it kind of made sense.

I still didn't like it, but it might be better if they stayed on the island. I would fix all of this one day, but that day was still a long way off.

'Fine, but I still want to stop by and tell them I am leaving since I said I would,' I told Harold as I reached the bottom of the crater, heading to the small brick town of Craterville.

Harold was silent after that, and I walked in silence, thinking about what this meant for Kerri in the future. I didn't plan on knocking every girl up because I couldn't have a bunch of kids and save the world, but still.