Memories Pt 3

Mark smiled at me and then gave me a wave as he left my room. Knowing what I did now, I wanted to hate Mark, but I couldn't.


I needed to see why he betrayed me, but my memories were limited still to what I was shown. It was like something was forcing me to see all the pieces before I could be sure of what really happened.

My body was about to turn back from the door, but then another person appeared at my door with a snide look. I knew right away who this guy was, Harold.

"So, you are the new child that Mr. Zero brought in to help with the project, hmm? You don't look like much, but you had better not get in my way! The boss might have told me I have to show you around, but that doesn't mean I need to like you!" Shouted Harlod at me.

Slowly, I felt myself sink into my body, and my thoughts started to get blurry.