Count On One Finger

Elemental Fury was building up inside of me as pure rage filled my veins.

This was no longer about me, and any fear that I had was burned away with the mention of them attacking my family. There was no way that Eelyasha was getting out of this cave.

“That is mighty talk, coming from you! My daughter is more than enough to tear your body to shreds!” the massive ugly gray face of Dolores laughed at me but then stopped.

My body started to change and become rock-like, with blue and red lines of power covering me. A sphere of wind formed around me, pushing the water out as I became human in shape.

“My talk is only as mighty as I am. Threaten me, fine. My family? There isn’t a place that you can hide, Delores, and when I am done with your daughter here, I will find you.”

My body dried off, but I could see Eelyasha out of the corner of my eye, trying to get out of the room. I turned, and rock closed off the only exit to the room.