Who Is That Woman?

It's eleven o'clock at night, but Farel hasn't shown the bridge of his nose since earlier. Zulfa squeezed her fingers tightly, she was worried if something happened to her husband. With a pounding heart, she repeatedly looked at the clock on the wall hoping the man would arrive soon. She is now waiting for Farel to return to the dining table, along with some side dishes that he specially cooked for Farel.

Although Farel strongly rejects their marriage, it does not change her obligations as a devoted wife to her husband. She doesn't want to be a disobedient wife to Farel, she will try her best. It seems she is very patient with Farel who is so cold and a little rude to her.

She opened her cellphone, just in case Farel sent her a short message about the man's return that might be delayed. But nothing, not even a message sent by her was never answered, not even read.

Is she that unimportant? Ah yes, again and again, thoughts like this crossed her mind. She never stopped to think negatively about all of this. Her heartfelt was very sad like it was slashed by a knife that was deep enough.

Giving up, she placed the phone on the table while propping her chin with her right hand. Her heart was undoubtedly worried for Farel. Even though the man didn't like her existence, it never stopped her from caring and the sense of responsibility and obligation that since the marriage contract was pronounced, she must have these feelings.

Farel thinks it's funny too, Zulfa thought when she remembered the expression on her husband's face who had trouble buttoning his shirt this morning. Looks like she forgot for a moment Farel's cold attitude all this time. It was true that the man had never played rough with his hands, but the words that came out of his mouth were extremely spicy and stabbed to the core. Believe me, something like that can make the defenses in her heart melt slowly without the slightest bit.

"Excuse me, is anyone here?"

Zulfa turned to the source of the voice that sounded very soft and found Farel whose body had been helped by a girl she did not know. She wanted to ask about what happened, but seeing Farel babbling incoherently made her despair. She took Farel's body from the girl with a confused expression etched on her face.

"Oh my God, Farel," Zulfa muttered when she realized Farel's situation was quite chaotic, it seemed that the man was drunk.

Her gaze shifted to a beautiful girl who just stared at her as if she was assessing her appearance. "Sorry, who are you? And please don't touch my husband casually." Zulfa said politely. She did not want to directly judge a woman who dared to touch her husband without the slightest hint of guilt.

The girl suddenly looked her up and down, again and again, her gaze so condescending. "Oh, so you're Farel's wife?" She asked in a very unfriendly tone. She then smiled faintly at Zulfa. It turned out that what she had imagined all this time was inversely proportional to what had been seen in front of her now. She thought that she would lose to her boyfriend's wife. But she was wrong she was superior, far superior to that woman.

Zulfa raised her eyebrows, she didn't know this girl at all, but how could the girl know her?

"Sorry?" She said as if asking for a repeat. She still didn't understand what she meant. Especially when she asked about her being Farel's wife, what was wrong with that?

Before the girl could answer, Farel's voice became clearer. Made her inevitably have to resign for a while to bring the body of the man in her arms into the bedroom so that she can rest more comfortably.

"Excuse me, I have to take Farel to rest in the room," Zulfa said as she left the girl who was now sitting casually on the dining chair as if Farel being drunk was no big deal to her. Maybe she was used to seeing men in a semi-conscious state like this.

Zulfa had difficulty walking because Farel's body was bigger than her, but she still held the weight of the man's body so she wouldn't fall to the floor. She went to the lucky guest bedroom not too far from the living room. Huh, she felt so tired.

Carefully, she put Farel's body down for fear that her sudden movement could wake this man up. Farel might be able to scold her loudly for disturbing his sleep.

This was the first time she had seen Farel drunk after entering that man's life. Especially coming home with a girl who looks a little younger than her. This made her mind wander further than before.

She smiled bitterly, this must be because she never made Farel happy. She quickly took off a pair of shoes that Farel was wearing and then covered the body of the man who had fallen asleep in a dream. Looks peaceful, with the facial veins that usually always appear when dealing with her, gone.

If only this kind of facial expression was shown to her, certainly, she would always be rewarded for all the struggles she had done. Yes, it must be like that if fate arranges the marriage smoothly.

Farel currently looks very handsome. Especially if the man smiled. Ah, Zulfa can only hope to treat her heart so it doesn't hurt too much.

"I'm sorry, Farel." She murmured while kissing Farel's forehead warmly, full of affection. She could only do this sweet thing when Farel was asleep, instead what she got was the man's disapproving stare at her.

After that, she got up and left Farel who was already asleep. Her eyes narrowed to see the figure of the girl who brought Farel still sitting in the dining room. The make-up that adds to the beauty point of the girl with seductive red lips looks very charming. Her clothes are quite revealing, wearing a dress with a low collar showing her cleavage which she admits is quite dense. Moreover, the back is so exposed to the tailbone.

Looks sexy, but looks like a girl who —ah sorry cheap.

"Why are you still here?" Zulfa asked in a still polite tone. She didn't want to curse a girl who looked much more perfect than her. Ah, this is not the time to feel insecure with other women. Do not let her forget that every human being created must have perfection.

Just look, her appearance is now wearing only soft brown pajamas with a panda motif that looks very childish. What's more, the long black hijab covered her hair perfectly. In contrast to this girl whose hair looks very beautiful and brown. But she is not jealous at all, according to her covering 'aurat' is much better than anything. At least, that's what she thought.

//For your information; Aurat is the intimate parts of the human body that must, according to Islam, be covered by clothing. Exposing the intimate parts of the body is unlawful in Islam as the Quran instructs the covering of male and female genitals and for adult females the breasts. Exposing them is normally considered sinful.//

Very different comparison.

But wearing the hijab is something that must be intentional from within and from the heart and of course it is not easy to go in a much better direction than before. She still had not succeeded in perfecting in terms of behavior.

"I just want to make sure Farel sleeps safely." said the girl calmly as she followed each edge of the seat line with the index finger of her right hand.

Zulfa smiled and nodded slightly. "Thank you. Farel is already in his bed, and you can go." Zulfa said the patience she was maintaining was getting thicker. How devastated do you feel right now? Maybe only she can feel.

The girl got up from the chair and crossed her arms in front of her chest with raised eyebrows. "Oh yeah, you asked who I was, didn't you?" She said ignoring Zulfa who had gently pushed her away. She gets up from her seat, then approached Zulfa and stood right in front of the woman with narrowed eyes. It is certain that this girl is a person who never wants to be defeated and feels defeated.

Zulfa who was curious didn't answer. She waited for the continuation of what the girl wanted to say.

"You know, I'm Rania Cantika. Farel's girlfriend, we had a long relationship before he married you," said Rani while holding out her hand, intending to invite Zulfa to shake hands.

Zulfa's body stiffened. "What do you mean? Still, you are Farel's priority over his household, and are you proud?" She asked without heeding Rani's outstretched hand who invited her to get acquainted.

With a small rounded mouth, Rani pulled back her hand and smiled sweetly, confirming Zulfa's question. "Yeah, right. I'm Farel's girlfriend. And because of you, our engagement plan failed miserably."

Zulfa shook her head. "It wasn't my fault." She said defending herself.

Rani put her palms right in front of her mouth, posing as if yawning because of the drowsiness that hit.

"I thought, I'll take care of Farel and bring him back slowly from you without letting him notice your whereabouts," said Rani.

Zulfa's shoulders seemed to slump when she heard the serious statement the girl in front of her had just now. She didn't know what to do.

"No, Farel is already my husband," Zulfa said with reddened eyes holding back anger because of Rani's character which she thought was impolite, at the same time she held back the tightness that was always present in her heart all day.

"We fellow women understand very well, Zulfa. If respecting what belongs to each other is the most honorable thing and because of that, I want to be number one of what should be mine."


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