Letter For You

"Farel, if you want to leave the house at least you have to remember the time. It's already ten o'clock at night, tomorrow you have to work." The reprimand came out of Zulfa's mouth who was still looking at her husband with a disappointed look but she said in a soft tone.

Zulfa didn't want to show that she was tired but didn't want to give up. After all, if everything she did had a high enough level of trust, she firmly believed that one-day happy fate would be on her side.

Farel ruffled his hair roughly, he was very sick of seeing Zulfa who was always waiting for him to come home. He is an adult, independent, and can take care of everything himself, why does Zulfa always interfere in his life?

"That is none of your business," said Farel while looking at Zulfa. His steps were getting further away from the woman he was reluctant to say hello but because Zulfa was the one who reprimanded him first, he couldn't help but have to speak up.

Just about to climb the stairs to his room which is on the second floor, Zulfa's body was already blocking the access road so he couldn't continue his steps and was forced to stop. This time, what else will Zulfa do?

Zulfa changed her facial expression to a smile that certainly looked very sincere. "Are you hungry? Let's eat first." She asked as if what she had to offer would be fulfilled in return for what she had in mind.

It turned out that the woman who wore black and white Minnie mouse pajamas with a red tinge combined with a black hood was not too afraid of Farel's actions, who rudely refused. Whatever happens, surely Zulfa will not give up. Because a woman's heart can be likened to hard steel.

"I'm not hungry, you can throw the food away," said Farel while trying to gently push Zulfa's body so as not to block his way. He didn't want to be rude as long as the woman didn't overdo it. He knew very well that Zulfa was acting like this because she was carrying out her duties as a wife, but that wouldn't change his mind at all.

"But I cooked your favorite meal, Farel. Are you sure you don't want to?" said Zulfa, still trying to melt this cold heart for her. After all, there's nothing wrong with tasting a little food, right?

"And I don't care," said Farel as he started to get rid of the woman's body in front of him and climbed the stairs one by one. He didn't want to waste his energy on an insignificant wife like this woman. Wicked? No, just blame fate for bringing them together into a marriage relationship. Love can not be forced?

In this case, Farel has the right to retain what he already has. Who wants to start over from 0 again with someone new? Even though he had never met Zulfa before. Maybe they had met, but Farel forgot. Because unimportant things must be forgotten because they are not worth keeping in his memory.

Hearing that, Zulfa raised her eyebrows and started racking her brains again to say another move to persuade the man. "Are you sure you don't want beef steak? I'll just throw it away." She said still with hopeful eyes towards Farel. Her eyes followed every step of the husband who almost reached the second floor of their house. Even her head was now half tilted.

Farel's steps stopped right at the last step that took him to the second floor, he turned to Zulfa. Geez, beefsteak? It was one of his favorite foods since childhood. After all, he definitely couldn't refuse. He swallowed hard, trying not to be tempted by the woman's words.

Farel was very surprised, even now he doesn't budge without confirming Zulfa's words or rejecting them. He was bewitched along with the sound of his stomach growling, he was quite hungry, and just as the woman offered him a dish that a western food lover like himself definitely couldn't refuse.

"Just take a shower, then I'll bring food to the room," Zulfa said with a warm smile. Now, her heart was cheering with joy because she didn't hear a rebuttal with a tone of rejection that came out of the man's mouth. Needless to say, she smiled sweetly.

"Up to you," said Farel finally. He was even now subconsciously putting aside his ego so as not to sink into the misery of a hungry stomach. He is a man who can't help but feel hungry, maybe tonight his stomach will growl and beep for food.

In his heart, Farel was guessing what Zulfa's steak would taste like. Will it taste as good as his mother's? Ah, why is he thinking about Zulfa? Quickly, he entered the room and closed the door. He was very tired, almost all day he was near Rani.

They spend time together, accompany the girl on monthly shopping, play games in one of the time zones, and don't forget to invite Rani to dinner at one of the famous restaurants in Jakarta. He doesn't want Rani to eat food that doesn't suit her taste, for example, Zulfa's.

He immediately went into the bathroom, washed his body with warm water that he had set the temperature, considering it was already night. His tiredness was carried away by the flow of water that fell from his body to the floor, now his body is fresh and light again.

Farel wrapped a towel around his waist, a typical man who had just finished taking a shower. The masculine scent has filled every corner of the bathroom, an intoxicating scent for women because of the masculine scent that emanates directly from her body.

He was wearing the clothes Zulfa had chosen, a plain white t-shirt with black shorts. Casual wear considering it's late. He hung up his towel and looked at the desk beside the bed, there was a serving of beefsteak and a blue ocean mocktail. Gosh, this is his favorite menu!

Even though the clock was almost midnight, that didn't stop him from eating it all. Who dares to refuse this delicious food? Farel sure does not exist. And he was like that too, moreover, he was very hungry. Pathetic...

Farel's gaze fell on the purple letter lying on the table beside his king-size bed. He raised an eyebrow as he picked up the letter, and looked at it in great detail. His eyes narrowed as his head began to guess what it contained.

Farel shrugged nonchalantly, then squeezed the letter into a lump that no longer formed because he wasn't too interested in reading anything from Zulfa. He threw the paper away, right in the special dry bin not far from his current footing.

Zulfa is very unimportant to Farel, why did the woman give him a letter?

Feeling a little annoyed, he started to enjoy his dinner again. It turns out that the taste of Zulfa's cuisine is not too bad, but for the taste rating, it is still at number 5 out of 10.

He hated the presence of a completely unwanted woman in his life. But, for now, it seemed like he had to swallow his saliva which tasted very bitter. If this was the case, he didn't want to inflate his ego.

The feeling that Zulfa will never have, of course, makes him even more sure that she will slowly leave him. And if that day happened, he was sure that happiness would be engraved in the depths of his heart.

Farel will build a household with a girl he must love very much, who else if not Rani? Is there a better girl than his lover? Of course not. Zulfa? Ah no, he was not interested and interested in the arrival of a woman who suddenly snatched the status of 'wife' from his lover.

With just all the evidence that Zulfa is a good wife, it certainly doesn't become a basis for Farel to feel good enough to open his heart.

Now, all Farel had to do was stay quiet and do nothing but make Zulfa feel that he didn't need that one woman's presence.

Evil or not, the main point is that if something unwanted enters his life, Farel just has to decide whether to let that person stay or be banished.

All the points of view seem very clear, but there is a more detailed explanation of all this. Which of course cannot be published carelessly because it also interferes with his privacy.

What happened this time, of course, must continue like this until the next. If he loses later, there must be Rani who will wake him up to return to his original home.

Some hearts cannot be forced, and are bad for the person affected. Maybe one heart chooses to remain silent and refuses to attend, but another struggle for its rights and obligations as if struggling in a thousand needles just to find one straw.


For things that cannot be explained, Farel with his ego begins to make new wounds in the heart of a woman who has a sense of patience and defense as strong as steel.

Her name is Zulfa Naraya, still faithfully pursuing the love of a Farel Putra Brahmana.

Farel is still running his mind as he chews the steak in his mouth. He didn't know what he felt, but he didn't have any feelings for Zulfa. If it is said that people who do not know themselves and do not have a heart, whoever that person is must be very wrong.

After all, you should know, if you love someone whose heart is engraved for someone else it will be hard to turn back.


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