Meet Little Girl

This time Zulfa was in the shopping center with Dea, again. Yesterday she forgot to buy toiletries and snacks that she used to put in a jar, for the guests to snack on when they came to her house. Because usually, Dea always eats some snacks that are at her house.

So, Zulfa should provide snacks and refill again.

She intended to go shopping for a while, but Dea whined loudly in the middle of the shopping center to force her to go buy clothes, and suddenly the girl's behavior attracted the attention of many people. Forced now they have entered a branded clothing store and of course, the price cannot be underestimated.

"You took me to a clothing store, do you want to buy it?" Zulfa asked when she saw Dea who was researching the clothes one by one as if she wanted to buy all the clothes because her best friend's eyes were sparkling.

Zulfa is not ashamed if this girl doesn't buy the clothes she is holding. However, she didn't let them into this shop just to look around, there had to be something to buy. This is not a market, remember this is a big mall.

Even if you want to have a look, at least buying one item is enough so as not to be judged badly by the waiter who sometimes follows every direction of the buyer's point of view. Ridiculous, right? If you want to go shopping, some waiters come here and there following customers, maybe suspicious that they won't buy anything. But luckily the waiter here only watches the customers from afar, not being followed.

Dea nodded, did Zulfa think she had no money? Of course, there is. "It's okay if I have five hundred thousand money, Fa. I have money, and I can afford it." She said as she patted the sling bag that was sideways on her body. She raised a big smile, buying good stuff with her hard work was something to be proud of.

Zulfa nodded in understanding, she took a deep breath. "You'd better use the money to buy something else, besides clothes." She said advising Dea. After all, is it true that there are more important needs than clothes?

"What should be loved is a husband, not money," Dea replied with a small laugh. She changed her gaze, staring at the rows of clothes neatly arranged in each order of prices listed. From those that have prices that are still affordable and cheap, to the most expensive ones, they must be here. Choose according to taste, of course also according to the contents of the wallet.

Zulfa just smiled, Dea's words just now pierced her heart. For some reason, she remembered Farel's face, a cold and dangerous figure. Even the man didn't help her, only greeted her briefly and that was very rare. "It is an obligation to love one's husband, it is recommended in religion." She said with a smile. Behind that smile, many don't know what it's like to be Zulfa Naraya.

Dea just nodded, then returned to focus on the row of sweaters with various motifs. She is a girl who has not been able to look like Zulfa who of course is very covered with hijab. For some reason, her heart is not steady because big changes require careful preparation.

As if curious, Zulfa did the same thing with Dea. She participated in researching various kinds of sweaters that were very suitable to be worn on the body of her friend who was still the same as a teenager.

"You want to buy too, Fa?" Dea asked as soon as Zulfa got to her side while watching her who was reaching out to shift the hanging clothes one by one with different motifs.

Zulfa gasped in surprise when she heard the question 'do you want to buy it too?'. The reason is, she never wore clothes like this during her marriage to Farel, and she always covered her curves under a long robe. She only wanted to keep the precious asset that was within her for Farel, she didn't want others to see it. Only Farel and for Farel, yes even though it seems impossible for Farel to touch her body.

"No, I didn't buy a sweater," said Zulfa, rejecting Dea's question which she thought was unreasonable. When she likes to wear a robe but wants to buy a sweater? That's not the concept.

Dea frowned, curious. "Come on, Fa. Are you still wearing that robe? Don't you feel hot?" She asked surprised with Zulfa. Sorry, she likes to be curious about people like the woman who is now beside her.

"I'm getting used to being better than before, Dea," said Zulfa who was still standing. Yes, that's right. Changing for the better (in terms of religion) is indeed difficult and there must be many temptations like Dea for example.

Dea sighed, no matter how hard she tried to give Zulfa advice, her best friend never wavered in her stance. She is proud of Zulfa's closed appearance but looks less cheerful if she continues to wear a robe. "It's up to you, Fa. Let's evaluate my appearance now." She said, holding each shirt in both hands. Characteristic of girls, there must always be instability that makes her indecisive in choosing something.

Zulfa smiled. Dea is very beautiful, a girl who does not wear a hijab like herself. But her clothes are very polite and look mature too, even though her nature is really like a child. She is lucky to have Dea in her life, they are always difficult together. But God gave her the favors of the world before Dea. Ah, wealth is everything, but what's the point if the husband doesn't even care?

Dea waved her hand to leave Zulfa for a while because she wanted to enter the dressing room to fit her body. She rarely buys clothes at the shopping center, she must be stuck buying at the night market. It's also a hundred thousand get three pairs of clothes, it's cheap but comfortable.

Zulfa is waiting for Dea who is changing clothes while playing on her cellphone, who knows Farel will reply to her message, right? The man is currently working, she only reminds him not to forget to eat lunch and perform the dhuhur prayer. But unfortunately, the message she launched never caught Farel's attention so the man never replied. She let out a tired sigh, feeling that she didn't need to expect more from anything anymore.

Putting hope in humans is wrong. Because some humans on this earth will not place reality more than expectations. There is disappointment and sadness. Indeed, from the start, hope only breeds pain.

Bruk (crashing sound)

Zulfa jumped in surprise when she saw a small child who suddenly fell in front of her, and also the ice cream that the little girl was holding fell on the bottom of the robe she was wearing and also littered the floor. But Zulfa didn't care about her clothes, she immediately helped the little boy to stand up, afraid that something would happen or a body part hurt from falling with a loud enough sound.

"Are you okay?" Zulfa asked while watching the little girl with fixed eyes, which were looked up and down. She was afraid that there would be scratches or dirt on the floor that landed on this adorable little girl's clothes.

But instead of answering, suddenly without making a sound, the little boy hid behind her body while tightly hugging Zulfa's legs from behind. "Hey, what are you doing?" Zulfa asked again, confused by what had happened.

"My father is bad, he is bad to me." squeaked the little boy while pointing at a man who started walking towards her. Athletic body, strong jaw, and not forgetting the shady eyes that spread a love for the little boy who was hugging Zulfa's feet.

"Please my daughter be behind you." said the man in a baritone voice that sounded flat but calm, unlike the scary Farel. Don't ask again, Zulfa has no faults, but her husband always sees her wrong like that.

Zulfa nodded, then coaxed the little boy to come out of hiding that was right behind her. A cute little girl with clearly imprinted dimples started to come out from hiding.

"Naughty." said the man while pinching the little girl's nose. Suddenly his eyes turned to look at the bottom of Zulfa's robe which was spilled with ice cream with a guilty look on his face. "I'll pay for your clothes, you can choose the clothes you want, I'll pay for them later. I'm sorry, that's what Jeje did," he said he intended to pay for the clothes of the woman who was now in front of him. Jeje made a mistake, of course, he has to take responsibility.

"Rich Daddy, Auntie. You can take whatever's in here." Jeje said while hugging the man's legs tightly. A very sweet smile is imprinted, a sign that she loves the person she hugs his feet.

Zulfa scratched the back of her head that didn't itch, she felt bad about this kind of thing. Especially if she refuses someone else's request, she can't. But it's even worse if it's paid out to someone you don't know, even if you don't want to use other people's money. "No need, washing with water will also remove stains on clothes." She said trying to refuse in a very subtle way. She didn't know how it felt after everything she said was true.

Washed a little water, the ice cream stains will disappear. After all, the stain is also not an attraction for passers-by. Who wants to pay attention to other people's appearance in detail? It must be just a coincidence.

The man raised an eyebrow, confused that someone had rejected his offer to help the woman. "But I'm serious," he said, nodding his head. He wants to be responsible, especially if for example this woman in front of him chooses clothes at fantastic prices even though he can afford them.

Jeje who heard their conversation was silent, busy wrapping his arms around this man's legs.

Zulfa smiled very politely, then shook her head. "No need, I'm sorry." She said as she left the two men who were father and daughter with a simple and of course polite goodbye.

If Zulfa lingered on chatting with someone she just met, her curiosity level could skyrocket.

"Dad, is she a surrogate mother?"


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