Engagement Ring

Farel looked straight into Rani's eyes with a very intense gaze, even now his chest was pounding as if he felt something that made him nervous. He had prepared everything a long time ago, but why was his heart still beating fast? Ah, he was feeling so nervous.

"Tell me, baby. Don't take too long, you're too nervous for this." Rani whispered right in Farel's ear while looking at her parents with displeasure because her lover was silent, without wanting to immediately say what was printed in her mind.

Nodding his head, Farel understood that all of this was according to his preparation and maturity. "Yes, baby." He replied with a sweet smile.

Seeing her boyfriend who currently looks handsome and charming, makes Rani like a very lucky girl to have a perfect man like Farel.

Farel kissed the back of Rani's hand, then looked at Bella and Gusti with eyes that showed his sincerity. "I want to marry Rani," he said with a serious look. His heart forgot one thing that should hold this guilt. "I want to make your daughter my second wife." After saying this, his sturdy jaws started to harden from being extremely tense.

When he got married and shared the altar with Zulfa, he felt normal and didn't look like a typical bride and groom.

He didn't understand why he was still holding on to all this, but he thought it was the right thing. His happiness is number one, which is establishing a relationship with his beloved lover.

He even had time to wonder since Zulfa's arrival in his life, why should he have a relationship with a woman who never made him fall in love at all? Don't fall in love, just don't get happiness.

Rani secretly smiles crookedly when she hears what she was dreaming of.

'Brahmana, here I come!' She shouted in her heart.

Gusti raised an eyebrow, not believing Farel's words, especially considering that the man already had a legal wife. "What about Zulfa?" he asked as he took a sip of the black coffee ART had made for him, only to moisten his choking throat.

A father always wants the best for his daughter, as well as Gusti who already knows how his daughter's love story is with a man who takes her seriously.

"She remains my wife, and I want to marry Rani too to fulfill all her needs."

Rani pinched Farel's arm, "It can't be like that, Farel! You have to choose one!" She shouted disapprovingly. At first, she thought Farel would propose to herself in front of her parents and said she would divorce Zulfa, but the man only wanted to make her his second wife. Just imagine, which woman wants to have the same husband as another much younger girl?

As a woman, Rani also feels pain even though she is the party who will become the destroyer between Farel and Zulfa.

Farel looked at Rani, showing a face full of deep pleading. After all, surely his decision now would be disastrous in the future. But he doesn't care, the important thing is to be happy first, karma is important or whatever it's called, it's better to take care of it later.

"I can't let Zulfa go, because without her the Brahmana family facilities that I enjoy now would be gone."

Rani looks at Farel angrily. How can a Zulfa determine Farel's wealth? Sounds weird!

"No, I know it's just a trick of yours, right? Zulfa is just a woman who pretends to be pure and over time will control the way you think, baby."

"It's not like that, you know yourself that the Brahmana family has manners and rules that can't be broken just like that."

"Do not lie to me," Rani said while distancing herself from Farel's body. Now, she was pissed off. In that case, she'd better find another guy who's no less established than Farel, right? Instead of staying in a bitter relationship like this.

Expectations, expectations don't go your way and end up just hurting your heart.

This is all Zulfa's fault, how come that woman can come and change the path of destiny?! She should be happy, she should be the main character in Farel's life.

Farel held Rani's hand tightly as if to say that everything would be fine. "I promise to always be responsible to you, Rani. You will be the second wife I love the most, I promise."

"No human promise has a sweet ending, Farel. If you can't prove it, at least don't act like you're not a promise-breaker."

"If we haven't started yet, how can we prove it to you? I'm serious about you and this proposal. I love you, isn't it obvious?" Farel replied, just from the look in his eyes he showed a deep seriousness.

Say that Farel is crazy because it's true. A man who is crazy about love, until he forgets there is a paradise that he just leaves at home without paying attention like a husband to his wife. What he is doing now is asking another girl to be his second wife.

Before Farel could raise his voice again, Gusti cleared his throat. "You should talk to your parents first, we will not approve of you otherwise your relationship will only be rejected outright by the public eye," he said with maturity. After all, his daughter's reputation would be tarnished and considered bad.

"At this rate, I'm afraid that my daughter will be considered bad by many people." Bella continued, who had the same thoughts as Gusti, she displayed a look that only a mother could understand who was worried about her child.

"Okay Mom, Dad, I will discuss this with my parents." Farel finally said, yes, because there was no other choice. He was ready to take a slap from his father, huh. But what he wasn't prepared for was the cry of his mother who would feel slapped when she heard a decision that could never be contested.

Rani hugs Farel's arms with affection, her heart is warm enough to hear Farel's narrative. Then she looked at her parents. "Mom and dad can leave me and Farel? I think Farel and I need to talk, so I asked for a moment." She said, winking, looking pleading.

Bella and Gusti nodded in understanding.

Showing a warm smile, Bella put her hand on Gusti's waist. "Well, you guys should settle this matter first, we are waiting for good news from you," she said as she walked away, making her husband follow her.

Of course, lovers will talk about this more maturely, so as not to make mistakes in the future. However, even though Rani first entered Farel's life, still everyone knew that the man who married Zulfa was not Rani.

So, it is certain that the environment also plays a role in their relationship.

Farel looked at Rani with love. He had been blinded by excessive affection. Without him knowing, his actions would hurt many hearts. But again he doesn't care, if Zulfa wants to file for divorce, go ahead.

He never cared about Zulfa.

The woman was always waiting for him to come home. A woman who always makes simple home cooking, even though he never intended to try Zulfa's cooking. The woman who always prepared bedside clothes for him. The woman who is always waiting for him to ask for help fixing a tie or just buttoning a shirt that feels stiff. A woman who always hopes that he will reciprocate her feelings.

Did he hurt Zulfa? Ah, why did his mind suddenly drift there? He believed this was the right decision.

If they don't agree, Farel will marry Rani in secret. 'What's so hard about getting married secretly? and again, what's so hard about having two wives...?' he thought to himself.

"Why are you daydreaming? Have you ever thought about how to tell your parents about our marriage?"

Farel's daydream vanished when he heard a series of soft sentences spoken, then turned to look at Rani who was now looking at him with a questioning look. "Sorry honey, yes I was thinking about all this and how confused I am."

Rani smiled faintly, then her hands began to grab those sturdy jaws and caress them slowly. "Then don't think about it, honey, let's find a middle ground." She says. She is also confused as to why Zulfa's position cannot be contested, especially if she gets divorced, her lover will surely fall into poverty.

"Yes, I hope everything can be handled very easily," he muttered as he leaned forward to reach Rani's beautiful lips. He always made his girl lips to vent the stress that landed on his body.

Farel licked Rani's lips gently. Instead of feeling relieved, his heart became a little doubtful.

Only a few.

They express their love for each other very clearly. They are a very compatible couple if Farel doesn't have Zulfa in his life.

Rani ends their kiss, taking deep breaths enough to bring her breath back.

"I think Zulfa saw the engagement ring you gave me, Farel." She said, remembering Zulfa's suspiciously jealous look when she saw her fingers that were already surrounded by a beautiful diamond ring. But for some reason at that time, Zulfa didn't ask her too many questions, maybe because she felt that the woman looked very curious and had high curiosity.

"How is that possible? and what was Zulfa's reaction when she saw the ring on your finger?" Undoubtedly, Farel was curious. Hoping Zulfa's jealousy overflows and easily brings this toxic marriage to legal channels for divorce. Ah the performance of the devil's brain, how can a husband think like this? can, namely Farel.

"I thought she knew, but just kept quiet as if she didn't want to know. Poor woman wanted to be the main character but got rid of the one who came first." Rani replied, remembering how Zulfa reacted at that time.

The engagement ring makes Rani feel taller with her current position, and yes of course for her this little round thing is something to be proud of as she is one step away from winning.


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