A Hard Slap

| message room |


I'm waiting for you at home


Zulfa's eyes lit up when she read the message Farel had sent to her. This was the first time he had texted her during their marriage. She is very happy to know this. How is the current condition of Zulfa's heart performance? No need to ask again.

Dea looked at Zulfa with raised eyebrows. She was very surprised by the behavior of her friend who became more cheerful than usual. "Why do you look happy? You suddenly became cheerful, what's wrong? please tell me, I'm curious." She said excitedly, even now her head was moving forward to steal glances at the flat object that was the center of the woman next to her.

Zulfa covered her cellphone, while chuckling a little because now her chest cavity felt very flowery. "Well, you don't have to know. What is certain is that it concerns Farel,"

"Don't keep things a secret, later I will tell Farel if his wife is stingy and doesn't want to share her happiness with me."

"Please tell Farel, later if you are ignored, I will laugh in front of you while holding my stomach because I find it funny."

Dea pursed her lips, she felt Zulfa was really annoying. "Well, I'll get to know Farel first so he doesn't ignore me!"

Somehow Farel treats people other than Rani, even his wife is not treated well by him.

Zulfa immediately took her car keys which were lying on the table. "I'm going home first, Assalamualaikum." She said hastily and immediately put her tote bag back on her shoulder.

She immediately left Dea who had not even had time to return her greeting. Too excited to forget that all the boxes of chocolates Kevin gave her were still there. Ah, the most important thing now is Farel.

Zulfa typed a reply to Farel after successfully sitting in the driver's seat and fastening the seat belt.

| message room |


Yes, sir, wait a minute, I'm out of Dea's house and on my way home.



Zulfa's joy grew to see Farel who immediately read the message, her happiness was as simple as this. Getting notifications from her loved ones was more than enough, she didn't ask for anything more.

After that, she began to drive her car at the standard limit, leaving the yard of Dea's house which was not luxurious, only a simple but very comfortable house.

Zulfa's chest rumbled. She was really guessing what Farel would say to her. Will the man give her a beautiful bouquet of roses? Oh, or maybe Farel wants to go on a honeymoon? Oh she's so impatient!

The distance from Dea's house to her house only takes 10 minutes with no traffic jams. Zulfa's eyes lit up when the yard of her house was visible.

She immediately honked the car horn, signaling one of her security guards to open the gate.

Zulfa lowered her car window, then gave a sweet smile to the security guard who had helped open the gate. "Thank you sir." She said as she started driving again.

She immediately entered the courtyard, but her eyes turned in wonder when she saw the car of someone she didn't even recognize. Should she worry and bury her happy feelings in reality? it seems, yes.

Again, her happiness never lasts long. How unfair was fate to her? But yes, she had to live it gracefully. With all her abilities, Zulfa parked the origin of her car, ah Farel's car to be exact. After that, she went straight into the house slowly.

"I'll explain it to Zulfa later, honey. You don't have to worry about what happens, I'm in control."

There was the soft voice of a girl who without thinking Zulfa could already guess who the owner was. She is Rani Cantika Andrawan, a name and a figure that can make a sweet smile on her face fade and even almost disappear.

Zulfa cleared her throat, making the two people who were hugging immediately stood up straight and turned to her.

"What do you want to explain? Is there a matter here that urgently needs my presence?" Zulfa asked to the point while looking at Rani with her cold gaze. She wasn't afraid, she was just holding back her emotions to deal with what happened next.

Rani focused on Zulfa, she let go of Farel's body, yes of course it stopped a comfortable hug. "Yes, of course there is. And you are very much needed here, because without you the problem would not be solved." She replied with a crooked smile, looking down at Zulfa with a low gaze.

Zulfa also chose to be vigilant while raising an eyebrow. "And what's the problem? I don't have much time for you, Rani. I'm busy," she said.

'I'm busy' is just a diversion so that all this conversation can be over more quickly, she doesn't want to be stuck in nonsense without clarity.

Rani seemed to nod her head, "Besides, I don't want to talk too long with someone else's lover-stealer."

"So you still want to look down on me or want to say what you mean by coming to say something?"

Rani tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, she realizes that talking to Zulfa is very tiring because she doesn't want to lose. She prepared to say what was stuck in her throat. "I--"

"I want you to bless Rani as my second wife. And you have to accept this happily, I don't accept the slightest rejection." Farel immediately cut Rani's words because he knew his lover would be at a loss for words before speaking, he is the type of man who is lazy to make small talk.

Zulfa's body froze, her vision began to fog up indicating she would soon cry with tightness in her chest.

"What do you mean, Farel? What do you mean by second wife? You ... want polygamy from me? Do you have the heart to do that?" Zulfa replied, she could barely make a sound because of her tight feeling.

Rani walked closer to Zulfa's body, then looked at the girl from head to toe with a very disdainful look. "The answer is obvious because you are still far below me. I am still more attractive than you, you must realize it."

Zulfa holds her hand from slapping Rani's cheek sadly at what the young girl said.

"As far as I know, what's interesting is that he has a lot of fans. And I also think the same about you. A lot of fans equals selling, selling equals cheap."


This was Zulfa's first time speaking disrespectfully with another person. But come on, if you were in Zulfa's position, would you still be able to say how you feel so calmly? Ah, even your rough soul is struggling.

"Don't pretend you know my life, Zulfa. Who says I use it often, huh?"

"Ask yourself, are you still a virgin? At least I'm not as beautiful as you but I can still maintain my ethics and not be rude to you which is too much, moreover I still keep my crown as a woman."

Rani was ready to slap Zulfa's smooth cheek, but the action was lost, because Farel was faster than her to slap Zulfa.

Zulfa's body staggered, she took a few steps back, her cheeks felt very hot. Farel slapped her, without the slightest pity...

"Watch your words, Fa! You don't deserve to talk to Rani like that! I just found out that you are not a wife who deserves to be guarded."

"Farel, do you think it's my fault again? Am I the one who should be treated like this to be slapped so hard? Do you know that I've gone too far? Don't act like this, Farel."

"Am I your husband? And am I . . . we family? No, I don't think so."

Zulfa smiled bitterly, without letting go of her hand from the slap Farel made on her cheek. "You are great Farel, you can defend Rani but you can't defend me as your wife. What am I lacking, Farel? Not beautiful? Later I will do makeup for you. My body is not as good as Rani? I will go to the gym every two weeks for you. My food doesn't taste good? and I will learn how to cook a sumptuous meal for you. I always try to be perfect, but it's as if you're saying that I would never deserve to be in the same caste position as you."

"Realized, it's definitely unequal but it really means being a woman who pretends to be right." Rani mumbles, only adding to the heat of the matter.

Farel shrugged, unconcerned. "I didn't ask you to make a drama that made you cry like that, it didn't work for me. All you need to know, you have to accept my permission. Tell our parents that you are ready to be polygamous, and whatever the reason I leave it to you. disobey, I will file for your divorce right now." Farel said while holding Rani's hand tightly, bringing himself and his girl away from Zulfa.

Farel is fed up with what is happening in his life, he just wants what has to go.

Threats, that's what Farel can always rely on. Make Zulfa always weak and have no other choice. Since divorce was something she was very afraid of and she avoided, once again sticking to the guidelines.


Polygamy is the marriage of a husband with more than one wife at the same time. What is certain is that Islamic law does not prohibit polygamy absolutely (haram) and also does not recommend absolutely (mandatory).

One of the laws is the wife's consent. So it is clear that if a husband wants to remarry he must first get permission from his first wife or previous wives. If you don't get permission, then the marriage is legally invalid and therefore null and void.

Right now, Zulfa didn't know what to do. Only tears can describe how sick she is right now, especially considering Farel's attitude towards her.

"Why do you have the heart to me, Farel?" She whispered as she leaned against the nearest wall, her body slumped until her buttocks perfectly touched the floor.


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