5 Days For Comparison


Zulfa turned to the source of the sound —not a sound anymore but a deafening scream— there was already Dea holding two paper bags in her hands. She was sure it was the chocolate Kevin gave her, which she left at Dea's house by accident because at that time she was too happy with the message Farel sent. "Just put it in the refrigerator, Dea. I'm afraid it will melt if you don't rush to place it at a cold temperature..."

"Ready boss, carry it out!" Dea nodded, then smiled warmly when she saw Farel's face who was right beside Zulfa. It seemed like they were making something together, but she didn't know what to do yet because she was too focused on walking around with a box of chocolates in her hands.

"Fa, what are you doing? I don't know what to do to keep it from falling apart,"

Zulfa turned to Farel who was confused about asking such a question, it could be seen from the look on his face. She chuckled and took the knife in Farel's hand.

"The cut is like this, Farel. You are wrong, if the cut is too long, the person who eats it can choke because what you did was wrong." She said in a soft tone while showing the right size and cut so that it looks symmetrical.

Farel watched how Zulfa cut the scallions properly, his eyes stung. Even though it was just scallions, but he was very messy in cutting them. Oh, shame. It was natural that he wasn't good at cutting, after all, he usually worked behind a computer screen.

So, very lucky to have a wife who is good at cooking like Zulfa. It's just that Farel, who has many desires, is too concerned with a less classy love with Rani.

"Well Farel, you better turn on the stove, take Teflon, and don't forget to add a little oil, then beat the eggs later."

Farel nodded, understanding Zulfa's explanation. Luckily this time he could turn on the stove, if he couldn't do this one thing, he immediately felt like someone who wasn't good at doing housework.

"Fa, what are you doing with Farel? It looks like a lot of fun, can I be the judge or foreman while tasting your cooking?"

Dea came with her hand already holding the snacks that are always provided in the refrigerator at Zulfa's house, she ate them casually as if 'Zulfa's house, is Dea's house too', that's the parable that always sticks in her best friend's mind.

"I'm teaching Farel how to make egg martabak if the foreman is not allowed to taste my cooking first."

Dea who heard Zulfa's words just chuckled, it was her tradition to tease the woman who likes to cook. Moreover, the taste of the winner's dish was like the word 'very top delicious!', so there was no way he could just pass it up. "Okay, I will be the judge later, I will not accept rejection because cooking requires judgment."

That's Dea's job, she likes to taste someone's cooking dozens of times to the point that sometimes she forgets that her intention is only to 'taste', not 'eat'.

Farel shook his head, disagreeing with Dea's decision. What if it feels really bad? what if... Did they laugh at the cooking? Now that he knows why Zulfa always forbids him to throw away food, he understands that cooking is not as easy as he imagined and it must be a struggle.

"No, this is for me. Not for tasting, because I'm very hungry."

Zulfa chuckled as if she could read Farel's thoughts. "Just go there, Dea just wait. You don't have to taste it, later if it's delicious you can eat it. Don't be angry, eat snacks in the fridge so you won't be in a bad mood." She said pointing to the fridge, she kept the pudding she made a while ago.

Dea pursed her lips, her plan to become a cooking judge failed, just like in a cooking movie. "Well, I'll be watching TV. Bye, enjoy your romantic cooking show." She said as she left, not forgetting to wave her hands in the air and then quickly land her buttocks on the soft sofa and quickly find a comfortable position.

Zulfa and Farel's bodies automatically stiffened. What did Dede say? romantic? even the word sounded foreign to both of them because they had never spent time together, in the sense that it was the first time they had been this close. Even though they have become husband and wife, their closeness feels like strangers who know each other but are reluctant to say hello.

Farel shook his head, then walked towards the sink which was not far from his reach. He washed his hands with lemon-scented laundry soap, then looked at Zulfa. "You can continue cooking on your own, it seems like this is the worst thing I've ever done with you," he said again in a cold tone, even now his face looked even.

Once again, Farel destroys Zulfa's happiness. Whereas as a wife, being treated like this is something that is very much awaited and of course very happy.

Zulfa smiled bitterly, she didn't believe Farel's words that must have hurt her again. "Can't you do activities with me, Farel? What's wrong with all this? Is it because Dea said we are romantic? So, what's wrong if we share the love?" She said issuing a series of questions in droves, her eyes looked like she wanted to cry.

"It's not wrong, our activities are also very positive because of cooking together. What's wrong is you, the Fa. You are in my life, enter into it, and make me think about things that are beyond my ability."

Zulfa's chest felt tight again, she held everything back so she wouldn't get emotional. It's that easy for Farel to change, it's also that easy for humans to make anyone soar into the sky because they feel very happy and moments later crash back hard into the deepest core of the earth.

"If I had a choice, Farel, I don't want to be in this very convincing fate. I thought you wanted to change for the better, but Dea's words just now made you a person who will never be touched forever." Zulfa said she seemed to have been slapped by reality.

Farel turned off the stove because he smelled hot oil, he was afraid of fire. "Sorry, Zulfa. I thought I could be better as your husband, but the truth is I can't," he replied, he answered with the fewest sentences he could put together.

"You're not incapable of doing it, you're trying but doubting it."

"I only--"


Zulfa looked at Dea who was walking towards her with a sad face, she already had plans to watch a Korean drama series that only aired on certain tv belonging to her best friend. She still faithfully brought the snacks that she had in her hands since the beginning of her arrival after putting chocolate into the owner's refrigerator.

"It's near the table lamp, Dea. Look first, then you ask. Usually, put there, not moving." Zulfa replied with a sigh, if Dea didn't come, there would be a fight between her and Farel.

Dea just laughed showing a row of teeth that looked a little messy, but it only added to the sweet impression on her face. "Oh yeah, I haven't looked there, sorry to bother you guys, I'm so noisy." She said with a chuckle with an innocent face, even now she was scratching her non-itchy cheek.

Dea's gaze turned to Farel who was a bit far from Zulfa as if she wanted to leave the kitchen area. "Huh, where is Farel going? The egg martabak is ready? How come I don't see anything, huh?" She asked it was noisy.

Farel took a deep breath, then walked back to Zulfa. He had promised his wife not to act suspiciously that would make others feel that they were not okay, and that was true. He grabbed Zulfa's waist, like hugging his wife from the side. "Let's continue our activities," he said with the smile he showed for Zulfa, no facial expression showing the slightest compulsion.

Zulfa was flabbergasted, but she immediately changed her face so that Dea wouldn't suspect anything. Yes, Farel must have done this so that Dea thought of them as a happy couple. Farel always played her role very well.

"Okay, looks like I'll be looking for a tv remote again, bye. When it's ripe, don't forget to share it, I want to continue my activities first."

Zulfa held her breath when she felt Farel who didn't let go of the hug on her waist. She saw that the man had turned on the stove again, and was beating the eggs and scallions with her left hand. Give a little salt and pepper, then shake again to mix well.

"Why, Fa? Was I wrong? Why are you looking at me like a thief?"

Zulfa winked, "Eh? No Farel. That's right, you did it right and it's seasoned." She said.

See, now Farel seems to have a split personality. The man was rude and said things that hurt him. But this time he is very sweet. Why did his heart have to be toyed with like this? Stupidly, he couldn't refuse.

"Farel, you're still faking it? If so, why don't you let go of the hug on my waist? I'm... so confused about what you're doing."

Farel turned to Zulfa, then shook his head. It was as if everything he did was right according to his unstable conscience. "I don't know what to do, Fa. I feel very strange lately, on the one hand, I realize that you are the best wife."

"Follow your heart, Farel. At this rate, you're just playing with my heart and giving rise to the same expectations every time you act sweet."

"My heart says I want to keep you, Fa. But my brain tells me to choose Rani."

"Why, Farel? Is Rani much better in terms of appearance than me? If so, it's true, it turns out that good-looking people are always at the forefront."

Farel was silent, then removed his arms from Zulfa's body. He chose to focus on adding minced meat and sausage and mozzarella cheese --at Zulfa's request--, mixing it again with the beaten egg.

"I love you, Farel. I don't know why that feeling can come for a rude man like you. But I'm really sincere in saying this,"

Farel was silent, he didn't know what to say. This is what he was afraid of, hearing Zulfa's statement which sounded like the umpteenth ordeal that God had given him.

"It's been all this time but you seem to be mortal in my life. You are indeed in my life, but you feel far beyond my reach, Farel."

Again and again, Farel kept silent.

"I can't be Zulfa who stops caring, even I have all the patience that maybe other women don't have. I also can't be Zulfa who is cold to you, like I intended yesterday. But there is one thing you need to know, if the person who I love doesn't have sincerity and loyalty, let me walk away, Farel."

Zulfa resumed her activities, separating the layers of spring roll skin from one another. Meanwhile, Farel is still faithfully stirring eggs that already contain various kinds of fillings with thoughts starting to fight in her brain. She is in a difficult position hard.

"Only five days left, I will decide everything, Fa. I will choose who I will stay with, and who I will throw out of my life."

Zulfa smiled bitterly, only the answer was full of uncertainty. It was a normal thing that Farel always threw at her. "Then, let me fulfill my obligations as a wife in the last five days, Farel. So that later it can be a comparison for you if you choose Rani,"

"Alright, I'll be spending time with you for these five days. And--"

"And stop seeing Rani, okay?"

"No, I will still meet Rani. Because the girl is still my responsibility, Fa."

"Even you don't understand the difference between duty and right, Farel."


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