Rani, Cunning Girl

Farel decided to go to Rani's apartment, with the girl, of course. They originally planned to have lunch at a restaurant not far from Zulfa's house. Because of what Farel had done, Rani felt very bad at the moment and finally canceled lunch at the restaurant.

"I'm sorry, baby. Don't be so angry that you choose to remain silent like this." Farel said while sitting on the edge of the bed, right next to Rani's body. He looked at the girl who had changed into clothes that were more casual than the dress she was wearing before.

Rani turned her back on Farel, she still couldn't accept what she saw a few minutes ago. The reason was, she agreed that Farel would hide their status and be fine with Zulfa. But she didn't expect the man to touch Zulfa more.

Farel's kiss for Zulfa earlier... really made his head feel like a puff of smoke, even his chest cavity felt tight.