Thoughts About Zulfa

Thoughts About Zulfa

Farel threw his body onto the mattress which was much larger than his body, he massaged the bridge of his nose that felt sore --now causing a headache-- this may have something to do with the problem he is facing now. Just imagine Zulfa not giving any news since that woman left their house, he feels like the worst person as a husband.

Worried and annoyed mixed into one in his heart, Farel sighed tiredly then ruffled his hair with rough movements, increasingly confused about what steps to take to straighten all this confusion.


Anger began to haunt Farel's recesses. "I feel so guilty, now I feel uneasy," he muttered as he exhaled slowly.

How did he get into such a confusing zone like this? How could he be caught in a deep pit of error a second time? How could he be so rude to Zulfa? How is it possible because of only one Rani that he becomes like this to a woman other than his lover?