Siding with Rani, Attracting Kevin

"Zulfa, whose child are you bringing, crazy!"

Zulfa grimaced at the screams of Dea's voice, which sounded very surprised when she opened the door for her, even though she had just arrived but the loud voice had greeted her senses of hearing. Meanwhile, Jeje, the girl is now holding a cup of vanilla ice cream in her hand with a confused look at Dea.

"Auntie, who is she?" Jeje asked with innocent-looking eyes. She put a small spoonful of vanilla ice cream in her mouth, and she enjoyed it. She likes ice cream because it is soft and cold as her trademark.

Dea watched Jeje from top to bottom, really observing the girl who was by her best friend's side. "Not like you, Fa." She said in a surprised tone.

Zulfa chuckled, then told Jeje to enter Dea's house first. Letting the little girl relax sitting on the long sofa in the living room, rather than listening to Dea's overly curious words.