Be Hope Jeje

Curious about Zulfa's condition and her heart being torn apart as if by a large-scale storm? and yes, this is where the veiled woman is. Sit in one of the metal folding chairs provided by the hospital.

She looked around, there was only her, Jeje ah yes and Yuni who was now asleep on the sofa because of her order to rest, it was her turn to take care of Jeje.

"Mommy, Mommy Zulfa..."

Jeje's voice sounded like she was disturbed by her dream, she was seen moving her head left and right with restless movements even her face looked worried.

Zulfa happily stroked the top of Jeje's head gently, with affection showing when she smiled. "Shh... I'm here, sleeping well." She said in a very graceful tone of voice.

In the next second, Jeje's tiny eyes slowly opened. A smile began to appear on her face. "Mommy? Am I in a dream?" She asked in a low voice as if she was still weak from her condition.