Zulfa, Best Woman

"Mommy Zulfa, I want to take a shower with Yuni first. You don't go anywhere, you are not allowed to leave in front of me again."

The voice of a small child that sounded very adorable greeted Zulfa's sense of hearing, making herself who was reaching for a tote bag and sitting on the sofa turn around with a smile on her face. "Yes honey, you take a shower first. I'm not going anywhere, stay here waiting and with you." Zulfa answered in a soft voice.

Jeje was seen nodding while giving an 'okay' sign using her finger, a sign of agreement with what Zulfa said that the woman would not go. "I went to the bathroom with Yuni first, bye!" She said as she waved her hand and ran towards the bathroom.

"Bye .." replied Zulfa who might be late because Jeje and Yuni had now disappeared from her sight, had entered the bathroom.