Kevin's Positive Thoughts

"Assalamualaikum, Dea.."

Zulfa's soft voice began to fill the corner of the house as she walked into her best friend's house, she saw Dea limping on the sofa. The girl was very proud because some time ago she was able to buy a new sofa, the result of her hard work savings.

Turning her head, Dea was of course very pleased with Zulfa's presence. "Waalaikumsalam my best friends, welcome to my house!" She answered as she got up from her seat and walked towards the woman who entered her house.

Zulfa held Dea's body weight that hit her with a little force, if only she wasn't responsive to balance, the two of them might land smoothly on the floor of the house, wincing in pain. "Slow down Dea, we almost fell." She said. But no doubt, both hands were also stretched out to hug back her best friend.