Zulfa's Owned Zone

"Fa, why is Rani crying? Okay, I'll try to guess, she must be playing drama again as if she was the one who got hurt, right?"

Zulfa heard Dea's voice starting to fill the pantry and small kitchen which she was cleaning because Rani didn't make breakfast, even though she was happy to make it. "Don't just guess, Dea." the answer. She didn't want her best friend to hate Rani even more because of what she thought was the right thing. "Later, if it's wrong, it could be slander."

Dea who heard that narrowed her eyes, staring at Zulfa very intensely with a look that seemed to be intimidating. "Honestly or I'll rob all the food in your fridge to take home!" She said as she sat on the pantry chair, her hand carrying the always tempting seaweed-flavored potato chip snack.

Not answering Dea's question, Zulfa quietly began to sigh slowly.

'Don't ask too many questions! You are nothing more than a lowly woman, Zulfa!'