Zulfa's Loss of Trust

What Zulfa did was force fate, ah maybe not forced but conditions made it like that.

A warm hug when sadness hits are the most comforting thing, this is the first time Zulfa is fragile and feels like she wants to stop fighting for something pointless.

"Are you done crying already?"

A baritone voice that gave a warm shoulder and hug was heard, Zulfa slightly nodded her head and then straightened her body so that their arms were separated from each other.

"Yeah Kevin, thank you so much for everything you've done. Sorry for being presumptuous, I-I didn't know what to do and felt embarrassed that I was the one who always got into trouble." She said nervously because, oh come on, she just hugged another man whom Farel rarely even hugs.

Let people think how this time, they don't know what it's like to rearrange broken glass back to normal and after rearranging it, shatter again for the umpteenth time mercilessly.