Morning : Farel Change

"Shadaqallahul adzim."

Zulfa grabbed Farel's hand when the man who was her husband reached out, she shook Farel's hand politely. "Alhamdulillah." That's what she said when she combined her Al-Qur'an with Farel's.

"If we recite the Al-Qur'an together every morning like this, it feels really sweet, Fa. I rarely recite the Al-Qur'an, lately, I've only been active in praying. But I just realized after praying we recite the Al-Qur'an, it feels very different."

Being the imam of the prayer for the first time, Farel was quite nervous because he was afraid that there would be mistakes in pronunciation but everything went smoothly. Even Zulfa's heart warmed with this very drastic change from her husband.

Taking off the mukena that covered part of her body until it hung down to her knees, Zulfa now folded it with the mukena's bottom skirt. They finished praying, then got ready to do their morning activities.