Kevin's Mature Mindset

"I'm mad at you, dad!"

"No, I don't want to eat!"

"Hueeee I miss Mommy Zulfa..."

"As agreed, I don't want to eat!"

Yuni panicked with Jeje's behavior who always refused to eat porridge, this little girl was threatened seriously. Even now Jeje doesn't let go of the sullen expression that framed the surface of her face. "Come on, it's better to eat first, the porridge will get cold, it's not good." She said still coaxing the little girl who was lying on the gurney.

Jeje looked at Yuni, then shook her head vigorously. "No! I don't want to eat anything! All I want is Mommy Zulfa," she said in a whimpering voice.

There is no other way but to wait for Zulfa's arrival, now Kevin is looking at his daughter with a sigh that can be heard clearly. "You have breakfast first," he said, stepping closer to the gurney where Jeje was sleeping.