Zulfa's Sincerity of Love

"It's okay, after all, I didn't tell you to come here, I just told you that Jeje is going home. After that, where you are going, it's absolutely none of my business."

Zulfa remembered what Kevin had said to her. For some reason, the man became distant from her, somehow. Previously she only said goodbye because she wanted to go to her mother's house with Farel. But Kevin didn't seem to care, usually, this man would say a word like be careful on the road even though it was said in a flat tone.

"Fa, what do you want to buy for your mother's gift? Why are you daydreaming like that? What are you thinking?"

Farel's baritone voice made Zulfa blink her eyes immediately, she raised her eyes to look at her interlocutor. "Uh, yeah? Better to just buy a dozen donuts, that's enough." She replied with a smile.