Access Gilang's Life

"I'm going there, or are you going to my house soon, now?"

Chuckling annoyed, Rani thinks what is so great about her that Gilang always can't wait to meet her? Ah yes, she is so good at rocking that the guys can't wait to meet her.

Rolling her eyes, Rani sees that it is now seven o'clock in the evening which means it is much earlier than their promise to meet. "What's in it for me to come early to your house?" she asked, leaning against the wall beside her dresser. Previously, she was arranging the make-up equipment she brought from Farel's house to make it neat and pleasing to the eye.

There was a deafening sound from the other side, of course, Gilang always felt challenged by what Rani said. "You want a profit? Not enough keys to my house and all the materials I gave you?" He asked.