A Hope

Thirty minutes ago...

"Zulfa, honey, what are you doing? Accompany Kevin first, why did you leave him in the kitchen instead?"

Hearing someone call her name and talk to her made Zulfa immediately turn her head, look at the source of the voice and it turned out that Rania was walking towards her, followed by Kevin who was following behind.

Slightly grimaced, she felt guilty towards Kevin. "Sorry ma'am, I'm making lunch for Farel. I know he will forget to buy food later, he is too busy and I will bring it to the office," she replied in a very soft tone of voice, she had never been high pitched to the middle-aged woman who gave birth to her except when she was a child when she was angry for whining about something she wanted so badly.

"Oh, why didn't you tell me? Let me cook for your husband,"

"No need, Mom. It's about to finish cooking, I just used the ingredients in the fridge."