Stifling Memories

03:00 pm

The clock shows that the time will soon turn to afternoon, even Rani has not had time to pay attention to her stomach's performance system to process lunch. All this is because Gilang told her to come to a place where no one should step on it again. Yes, if there is a desire, maybe Farel is no longer the place, but at the insistence of the man who is now opposite to her.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I know I look handsome, but I don't need that look from you," said Gilang as he put the salmon into his mouth, chewing it slowly because the pleasure of salmon is second to none.

Hearing that, Rani immediately rolled her eyes. Feeling Gilang's confidence level is very disturbing and sounds annoying, so it must be responded to properly. "Sorry, Gilang, I'm not in the mood to compliment you. Handsome? Farel is more handsome than you!" She said as she stuffed the tomato soup into her mouth.