Conditional Gift For Dea

Peep. It was an activity that Dea liked very much, the girl saw very clearly when Farel got out of the car and opened the back door of the car which turned out to be taking a medium-sized bouquet complete with a box of chocolates.

"How can someone who doesn't care be this romantic? How can I enjoy being single? I envy Zulfa." She muttered while curling a smile on her face. She then shook her head a sign that she shouldn't be jealous of what was served in front of her.

"Ugh, why am I jealous of Farel's treatment of Zulfa? To be honest, I don't want to get a partner like him either, it's better to stay single first so that those who get me in the future feel lucky."

Straightening her body back from having hunched over from only partially peeking out of her sight, she finally clapped her hands gently as if to brush off the dust on her hands.