Think that Rani... Pregnant?

"Rani, what are you doing?"

While on a video call with Rani, the girl's face was very gloomy and he didn't understand what the woman was feeling. Gilang puts his work aside first to focus on Rani.

It was clear that Rani was in the position of her cellphone leaning against the mirror on the dressing table, staring at the reflection of Gilang's face that filled the cellphone screen with a sad look. "Looks like I'm not feeling well, Gilang. Can you later ask the waiter to immediately prepare our equipment for staying at a hotel in Italy?"

Hearing that, Gilang raised an eyebrow. He felt that Rani this morning looked very fresh and even played the 'hot game' as she should, but somehow this time was different again. "Have you taken your medicine or not, hm? If you have any complaints, just say it, I can buy you some medicine or food that can change your mood." His words were typical of a man who was worried about his lover.