One Slice of Homophobia, Please


I definitely had not expected Judy to wake up fine and dandy this morning. But when I got up at around 9, still completely exhausted from what I had to deal with last night, she had already made coffee and was following a talk show on TV.

I couldn't believe it.

A few weeks ago she was knocked out after just one drink but now Judy was life itself, not showing any traces of the vodka escapades. 

Or the fact she had rammed a child into the hospital.

At around noon I had my final session with Jeremy and after successfully digging for tears I thought I had hidden for no one to ever find, he smiled at me, put down his notebook and told me what I had prayed to hear.

"Based on our work together, I don't think there is any reason for you to not go back to work. But I appeal to you to take it slow and should you start experiencing any anxiety again, don't hesitate to contact me or another professional."