The Devil's Son


If I had a heart, beating, it would stop right this second as the big doors open, revealing what's lying behind.

The soldiers are forcing us into a big hall with giant windows and polished stone everywhere. The Mayor is on a throne like chair, an evil grin on her face.

To the left and right are two of the important people of my life. Both Parker and Judy are tied to small stools, their mouths are covered with ductape.

Thank God, Parker is alive.

"Priscilla, what have you done?" Nox shouts and stomps forward.

"You kidnapped our friends? For what?"

"Why do I need a reason?"

She leans over to stroke Parker's hair. I want to punch her.

"18 and 19."

Two of the soldiers step forward.

"Please lead my guests to their seats."

One by one my friends get grabbed and forced onto a row a chairs opposite the Mayor and her throne. I'm the last one standing.