I Have Depression

(TW: mentions of suicide, deprssion and therapy)


Okay, if you didn't catch what just happened: Stan basically asked me if I want to replace the Mayor and rule over Heaven.

And what's even weirder: I don't know what to say. Do I? Do I not?

"You want immortality, right? Why spend it on Earth? Finish this life and then in 70 years you can be reborn as the new Mayor. Until then we'll have figured out a structure that works for everyone."

I stare at Stan with an open mouth. "Me? Out of all the people in the world?"

"Parker, you're not a normal human. I am basically your Godfather. If there is anyone who can take on the role, it's you."

I turn away from Stan and walk a few steps into the dark. Somewhere an owl screeches.

"But aren't you scared I might turn evil just like the Mayor did?" I ask him over my shoulder.

When I look at him, Stan is smiling.

"No. You're a good soul."