CHAPTER 76 : Easily taming lvl 8 flood dragon

"Don't worry, nothing will happen," Joey replied with a smile.

" Alright, it is decided. We will risk this one. " Li Lin announced.

The two lvl 8 beasts were a Golden crow and a flood dragon. After deep discussion, they all decided to go after the flood dragon. That night, Joey and Chun Hua were inside a tent. After making love, Chun Hua had fallen asleep on the bed. While Joey sat in a lotus position on the ground. He was currently talking to Long Ai.

"Sister, about our tomorrow hunt. Do you have any means?" Joey asked.

"Boy, you are lucky this time. I have concocted a potion using the poison you gave me before. Oh, if a lvl 8 beast eats this potion then, it will surely drop its level to lvl 7 beast. Also, this will take effect for only an hour." Then a white small bottle appeared in his hand.

"Sister Ai, thank you," Joey said.