CHAPTER 78: Living the lives of ten-thousand beasts and insects

"Elder Dong, mind your own business. It is my quota. So, I can give it to anyone I like. " Elder Lin retorted.

"Hee hee her, elder Lin, I am just saying for the sake of our sect. If you gave that guest disciple ticket to someone reliable, I will not object to that. You are just wasting on some thrash." Elder Dong said.

"Stop! Both of you are like a cat and a dog whenever you meet. Alright, elder Dong, you can go. Your disciple is waiting outside for you." The Sect master interrupted.

Then, elder Dong excused himself from the room.

After, he left.

"Elder Lin, I know you are not a reckless person. So, why do you give your ticket to that kid?" Sect master asked curiously.

"Sect master, the boy was recommended by Manager Li of the Hall of treasure." Elder Lin replied.

"Oh, really. Then that boy must be a good seedling." Master master said.

"Sect master, how is your daughter's condition?" Elder Lin asked.