CHAPTER 84 : Destroying Thunder God's finger

"Alright, attack at his lightning tribulations!" Lin Feng shouted. He asked the others for help because he can't attack Wu Tong now directly. So, he suggested the others provoke the heavenly tribulations instead.

"Hey, do you forget I am still here?" Joey said.

"Are you going to interfere with us?" Lin Feng asked.

"Yes, what are you going to do about that?" Joey replied with another question. 

"1st law of thunder god, lightning hand!" Lin Feng shouted and channeled his essence qi forming a giant hand made up of lightning in the air. He was in lvl  10 of the Demi-God realm. While the other nine were also in the Demi-God realm with lvl ranging from 3-7 range.

The lightning hand fell from the air over Joey's head. 

At the same time, Joey chanted a mantra and summoned his bow first.

Then, he again chanted another mantra quickly and shouted, "Vajra Astra!"