CHAPTER 93 : The Top Ten list

On the large screen, it came out as,

Chun Hua (lvl. 5 Nascent Soul realm)vs Ah Kum ( lvl 8 Demi-God Realm).

Two ladies stood on the stage facing each other. Ah Kum was a bit short. But, she was a beauty in her own way. She looked like a cute doll in her Daoist robe.

"Elder sister Chun Hua, can you please don't use your beast in this match?" Ah Kum requested.

"Okay, I will not use my pets in this match." Chun Hua said.

"Are you ready?" The referee asked.

Both of them nodded their heads.

"Your fight begins!" He shouted.

Ah Kum took out a ribbon as her weapon while Chun Hua took out a rusty sword.

"Elder sister Chun, are you really going to use that? It seems unfair to you now." Ah Kum asked.

"Alright, let's fight. " Chun Hua replied.

Then she approached her and sliced her sword at her.