CHAPTER 95 : Killing Yang Wenjun

Then, both Yang Wenjun and Wu Tong came up to the stage. Now, even a monkey came here this time for the tournament. " Yang Wenjun started ridiculing Wu Tong.

"Hey kiddo, didn't your parents teach you manners? Is this how you talked to someone you just met? Hmm, what an idiot!" Wu Tong retorted back.

Yang Wenjun was an orphan since he remembered. So, he became furious on hearing him say that.

"You dare to say that to me. I will kill you monkey. 1st law of thunder god, lightning hand!" Yang Wenjun shouted and channeled his essence qi forming a giant hand made up of lightning in the air.

The lightning hand fell from the air over Wu Tong's head.

Wu Tong brought out his long iron staff and flew toward lightning hand and started hitting it continuously until it was broken into pieces of essence qi.

Both of them were in the air staring at each other fiercely.