CHAPTER 98 : Rose's first night with Joey

At that time, Liling who was lying down on the ground opened her eyes. She saw his completely naked body. He had a six-pack and was muscular all over his body, even though Joey's body looked thin when he wore his robe. Then she looked down and saw a dragon staring at her from Joey's nether region.

"Ahh!" She screamed and covered her eyes with her hands.

"Heehee, sister Rose, I like seeing this side of you." Then, Joey approached her and started kissing her again while he kept caressing his hands all over her body and finally touched her sacred forbidden cave.

"Aaaargh!" She moaned and held Joey's hand, stopping Joey's hand from going further.

"Relax darling! "  Joey mumbled in her ear and started licking it softly.

"Aaaargh, aaaargh, aaargh!" Then she started moaning continuously without any care.

After playing foreplay for ten minutes, Joey asked, "Darling, are you ready?"

She closed her eyes and nodded.