CHAPTER 104 : The twin brothers that look alike

A black ship was currently sailing on a calm sea. On the deck of the ship, Joey lay lazily on a chair. Rose sat on his lap while cuddling on him. Both of them sometimes looked at the clear sky and sometimes at the far horizon.

A little white tiger was also laying on another chair while yawning.

"Darling Rose, we will reach the port of Yueliang City by this evening. I need some plans to get my hand on one thousand-year-old bodhi tree, and a heart of poisonless seahorse. This little tiger is going to break through soon. I need the pill before that." Joey said and looked at the white tiger.

"That is easy. You can even concoct tier 5 pills now. Why don't you consider joining the Hall of Alchemy Union? If you become their member, then getting those two items will be more effortless. " Rose suggested. As she was the previous Sect master of a tier 8 Sect, she knew more information about the things in this world.