CHAPTER 109 : The Undying Village!

Rose fondled his hair and said lovingly, "Xiao Feng, don't worry. You will meet them someday. "

As they kept sailing down the stream, they saw an inhabitant with around fifty-something huts and houses made from mud and bamboo not far from them.

"Brother Joey, sister Rose, look! That is my village." Xiao Feng pointed with his finger.

Then, the three passed the river and walked toward the village.

When they were near the gate of the village.

"Stop there!" shouted someone.

Then a man around the age of 20 years old appeared before them and pointed his spear at them. He had a cultivation base of lvl 7 of God-realm.

"Who are you? State your reason for coming to our village." The man shouted.

"Uncle Tien Wen, it's me." The boy among the three replied pointing his finger to himself.

The guard looked at the boy and asked again, "Ah! How do you know my name?"