CHAPTER 225: Raudrastra Absorbing Almost All Power Of Ten Suns In The Sky

"The Faceless Hermit!" The Scrawny man exclaimed and continued asking, "You mean the Faceless Hermit who was famous for divination in this whole limitless Cosmos? "

"Yep," The old man responded and continued speaking, "I have made a request to him to divine my fate and learn about the whereabouts of you and our master. He agreed under a condition."

"What condition?" The Scrawny man asked interestingly.

"It is very simple for me. You must also have known that I am a new immortal that is famous for talisman skill. " The old man replied.

"Right, brother. You are the youngest immortal that entered the top 20 ranking list of the strongest immortal in these 100 universes recently just using your Talisman skills that you developed yourself. And everyone called you the Divine Hands Talisman immortal. So, tell me, what is the condition?" The Scrawny man praised the Old Man and asked interestingly.