CHAPTER 119 : killing the Rain God!

At that time, Tang Chen appeared before him.

The Rain God slowly managed to look at him and asked with broken tones, "W-ho  are y-ou?"

"Heehee, mister God Rain, I am nobody. Now, do you regret being so arrogant to me?" Tang Chen asked mockingly.

"B-oy, y-ou can't kill me. If y-ou kill me then the whole ten God Clans will be after y-ou and y-our families." The Rain said with fear in his eyes.

"Oh, you are afraid of death too. Hehehe, I can spare your life if you do something for me. " Tang Chen chuckled and said with a smile.

"W-hat do y-ou want? W-ealths, cultivation ma-nuals, spir-itual stones, you name it, I can give you everything if you don't kill me today. " The Rai God asked.

"I don't need any of them. How about you bow down and worship me as your deity. Then, I will spare your life." Tang Chen said with a grin.

"Y-ou damn s-inner! I will kill y-ou." The Rain God shouted with a hoarse voice and tried to stand up but failed.