Chapter 132 : Li Ming, the lvl 7 Black Panther

It quickly disintegrated into specks of yellow essence qi and vanished quickly.

"What the hell!" The youth exclaimed with surprise.

At that time, Joey appeared before him and punched him in the head.


The youth's head exploded and his lifeless body collapsed on the ground. 

All the remaining nine youths trembled with fear and they started fleeing in random directions.

At that time, Joey used his Dragon's movement skill and started killing them one by one with just a punch on each of them.

Li Chen was stunned on seeing all of his guards killed by Joey. There was fear in his eyes.

Joey slowly walked toward him.

"Wait! You are not one of these Yaksha spirits. Who are you? Please don't kill me. Our tribe can give you ten times the amount these Yaksha spirits agree to give it to you." Li Chen said quickly with fear.